> Info was founded in the spring of 2000. Since then, it has assumed different forms, embraced new designs, formats, and voices, but we've always tried be consistent in one thing: to illuminate every word and page with a spark of inspiration, a love for new and experimental arts. The Incursion Music Review was published in regular intervals from 2000 to 2004. It was an enterprise that grew out of a love for new music, and we enjoyed exploring so many new sounds, enjoyed writing every article, narrative, and interview we ever published. I decided to end the review when the inspiration at its centre began to fade, instead opting to explore music in new ways, free of the constraint of writing and regular submissions. All 75 issues of the music review can be accessed in the archive. There will not be an issue 76. The site's archive also collects all of the features, exhibitions, and creative writing projects published during that same period. We're now working on developing new ideas for this website, occasionally posting updates, and seeking out that spark of inspiration which has been with us from the beginning, changing shape as the time passes, as each thought, each idea, leads us to another, and still another... Please stay tuned. In the meantime, feel free to write to us, or browse the archive and explore our history. Richard di Santo |